Procedures Your Plastic Surgeon Might Recommend For A More Youthful Appearance

If you've tried cosmetic treatments, but they don't give the results you want to tighten and lift your facial skin, it could be time for plastic surgery. Genetics play an important part in how your skin ages. Genetics combine with sun exposure, smoking, and your lifestyle to create the skin changes you see as you get older.

Since everyone is different, there is no set age for plastic surgery or the type of surgery to have. To learn what's possible for you, talk to a plastic surgeon. Here are a few types of surgery that could help with the signs of aging you're unhappy with.

Neck Lift

In some people, the neck is the first place to show signs of aging. If this is true for you, a neck lift might help. You can have a neck lift done without having any surgery on your face if you're satisfied with how your face looks. You could have surgery to tighten or remove excess skin, or more involved surgery that reduces neck bands by realigning or tightening your neck muscles. The surgery restores tight skin on your neck while removing band lines to give your neck a more youthful look.

Brow Lift

If it seems your forehead is sagging due to the appearance of lines or your eyebrows are hooding over your eyes, a brow lift could help. Lifting the brows can also lift your upper eyelids and give your eyes an opened look associated with youth. When your upper eyelid has too much skin and droops closer to your eye, you might even have trouble with your vision.

Droopy eyelids sometimes need to have excess skin removed, but in some cases, a brow lift will lift your eyelids and forehead at the same time. A plastic surgeon will recommend the best type of surgery to address the area around your eyes and eyebrows.


Your plastic surgeon can choose from a number of facelift procedures to give you a more youthful appearance. Some tighten skin only while others also tighten and adjust the deeper layer of tissues under your skin. A facelift can address sagging jowls only or lift your midface as well.

Your plastic surgeon determines the area of sagging and folds and recommends the right surgery taking into account the areas of your face you're concerned about. The goal of a facelift is to give you a more youthful appearance while appearing natural. You'll have a lot to consider when choosing your surgery. Your plastic surgeon will help you make the right choice and manage your expectations so you'll be pleased with your results.
