What to Know About Recovering from Breast Augmentation Surgery

Have you decided that you want to move forward with getting breast augmentation surgery? While you may be well aware of what happens during the procedure itself, you may have some questions about what you do afterward when recovering. Here are a few things that you should know about the recovery process. 

Follow All Your Surgeon’s Instructions​ 

It's important that you always listen to the instructions that your surgeon provides regarding your specific surgery. This will include information about how to care for the incisions and when to return for a follow-up visit. These instructions take precedence over anything else that you may hear about the recovery process. 

Be Prepared to Rest​ 

You will not want to be active after your surgery is finished, since you should actually be resting and avoiding any type of strenuous activity. Your body is going to need some time to heal, and putting stress on it by resuming your normal activities is going to slow down the healing process.

It's a good idea to plan to take some time off from work so that you can recover properly. Take a few days for yourself and just be lazy after the surgery is finished.

Avoid Lifting 

One activity you should definitely avoid is lifting things. This is because the motion of lifting things can cause your chest muscles to become stressed, which is going to delay the healing process. Even if what you are lifting doesn't seem strenuous, it is best to have someone help you in order to avoid a complication.

Wear Your Compression Garment

It's possible that your surgeon will recommend that you wear a compression garment after your surgery. The purpose of this garment is to promote healing, which it does by preventing fluids from building up and allowing your body to absorb them. You will want to wear the compression garment as directed to ensure that the healing process goes smoothly. 

Know What Complications to Look Out For 

There are several complications that can happen after your surgery. Pay attention to anything unusual, such as redness, a fever, severe pain, swelling, or symptoms that get worse instead of getting better. Reach out to your surgeon as soon as possible to find out what they recommend for you, since they may want to see you sooner rather than later. 

Reach out to your breast augmentation surgeon if you have more questions about the recovery process. 
