Doctor Nose Best: Recovery Tips For Rhinoplasty Patients

If you've always been unhappy with the appearance of your nose, you are probably boundlessly excited about your upcoming rhinoplasty surgery. But before you get to stand in the mirror and admire your new nose, you will have to get through a few weeks of recovery. Here are five tips to ensure that recovery period goes as smoothly as possible.

1. Limit your physical activity.

As excited as you are to get back out there and resume your daily routine, it is best to lay low and stay pretty inactive for at least a week. Physical activity can increase the blood flow to your nose, making you increasingly prone to post-surgical bleeding. Plus, you risk bumping your nose when you're out there being active, and this could undo the effects of the surgery.

2. Don't eat too much salt.

Salt causes your body to retain water. It promotes inflammation, which you do not want when you are trying to heal from your nose job. For at least a week after surgery, try to avoid overly salty foods, and put away the salt shaker. Don't add salt to anything you eat. Once your bandages are removed and you're well on the road to healing, you can start reintroducing salt slowly.

3. Use a humidifier.

Place a humidifier or vaporizer in the room where you spend most of your time post-surgery. This will help keep your mouth and nose from getting too dry, so breathing does not become uncomfortable and your nose does not become increasingly prone to bleeding. 

4. Stay out of the sun.

Too much sunlight can harm the sensitive skin around your nose and impede the healing process. Try to stay inside as much as possible for the first week after your nose surgery. Once the bandage is off, make sure you gently apply sunscreen to your nose before going outside. 

5. Eat soft foods.

Once you start trying to eat after your nose surgery, you will notice that chewing too hard hurts a little. To minimize pain and trauma to your new nose, stick to soft foods at first. Mashed potatoes, yogurt, applesauce, and soft-cooked pasta are all good choices. As chewing becomes more comfortable, you can start eating somewhat chewier foods like chicken and sandwiches.

If you have any additional questions about recovering from rhinoplasty, reach out to your doctor. After all, your doctor "nose" what's best for you.
