Three Benefits Of Having Breast Implants Inserted Beneath Your Chest Muscle

If you're thinking about getting breast implants, you are undoubtedly familiar with the choice that you'll have to make:  Whether to get the implants inserted above or beneath your chest muscle.  This is a big decision because it could have major ramifications for years to come.  Use this information to learn more about the benefits of having your breast implants inserted beneath the chest muscle:

Under-The-Muscle Looks More Natural

The main reason why you should have your implants inserted under your muscle is because they will typically appear more natural looking.  This is especially true for people who have small breasts to begin with.  There simply isn't enough breast tissue there to fully cover the implant, and it often looks as though there are two balls stuffed into the chest, versus looking like they are authentic.

When you have the implants inserted under the muscle, the amount of breast tissue doesn't play as large of a role in determining how the finished product appears.  The implant is covered by both your breast tissue, and the pectoral muscle.  You are left with full, round breasts that look closer to the real thing.

In addition to looking more natural, you'll decrease your chances of experiencing the undesirable "rippling" effect that some individuals get when they have breast augmentation performed on them. 

Under-The-Muscle Provides For More Accurate Mammograms

Another compelling reason why you should have your implants placed beneath your chest muscle is because they won't disturb the results of your mammograms as much as over-the-muscle implants.  This is a serious consideration to keep in mind, because you wouldn't want inaccurate mammogram results to cost you your health.

Over-the-muscle implants can distort mammogram results because their opaque color can make it difficult to spot cancer cells.  When the implants are placed beneath the muscle, they cause less interference so that your medical professional is able to get the visibility necessary for early detection of cancerous cells.

Under-The-Muscle Implants Give Your Breasts A Lift

If you have some issues with your breasts sagging, having your implants inserted over the muscle will definitely be beneficial for you.  Having your implants placed beneath your muscle gives your breasts a gentle lift so that your breasts appear more youthful. 

Breast augmentation surgery is a wonderful way for you to boost your self-confidence by obtaining the figure that you've always wanted.  If you're torn between whether you should have your implants inserted above or below the muscle, let this information serve as a handy guide that helps you understand the benefits of under-the-muscle breast implant surgery.

To learn more, contact a company like Laufer Institute of Plastic Surgery.
